Prepare and Enrich

Dear Friends,

Every other year here in the US we may get a reminder to take our cars in for a vehicle inspection to ensure that they are roadworthy. In the United Kingdom, the equivalent MOT stands for the Ministry of Transport, the government department that introduced the test in 1960 as a means of testing vehicle safety, exhaust emissions, and road worthiness.

It is easy to make the correlation between automobile maintenance to marriage. After all, relationships have to be tended to and managed just like a house, an automobile, or a business. Left unattended, they deteriorate.

Giving your relationship a regular tune-up can be an effective way to focus on the big little things and nip them in the bud before they become major problems. It can help you to identify any underlying feelings that may be bubbling away, and take positive steps to work through them. It can also help to focus your mind on what's going well. Can I suggest two simple you ways to help get your relationship back on track, or simply tuned up.

1. Establish a date night every week or fortnight.
Put it on your calendar and guard it in the same way you would a business appointment. Take it in turns to organize, get creative, and remember to keep it simple, keep it honest, and keep it up.  

2. Prepare and Enrich Assessment:
This year I am offering a Prepare and Enrich assessment free of charge to the first 10 couples who would like to take the questionnaire. This Includes two private & confidential 1hr Zoom sessions going over the report of your strength and growth areas. Just simply reply to this email if you would like to take the free assessment. Please feel free to forward this email to any friends or family whom you think might like to take me up on this offer!


In other news we also want to congratulate our dear friend, artist Charlie Mackey for being nominated for an Oscar for his animated film, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse.

Blessings on your Lenten season,


Weather vs. Climate


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