The Beyond the Blue Initiative

Dear Friends,

We have a dream!

 Our desire is to see every church in America equipped to build healthy marriages that last for a lifetime. There are a vast number of churches that have no effective means to help couples. We believe that The Marriage Course is an amazing answer to that need. While the course is based on Christian principles, couples are welcome with or without a church background. Many couples who are not churchgoers have enjoyed and benefited from doing the course, some have come to faith in Christ as a result of their marriages being healed. This makes our hearts sing and makes this course uniquely evangelistic.

As many of you know, during COVID we have been asked to train over 153 churches across the USA in how to run The Marriage and Marriage Preparation Courses, under the supervision of Alpha USA.

We will continue to do this by running both online courses and in person courses, trainings, networking and building relationships with Christian leaders across the country.

We would love to invite you to help us.

Firstly and most importantly, we need your prayer support as a family. This past year we have been awakened to the incredible battle that is going on in this nation over marriage, the very fabric of society. 

Secondly our need is finances. We are stepping out in faith to raise our budget for the first two years of this venture. We would love to build a network of small, medium and large donors to help our dream become a reality.

We are writing to ask if you would be a part of our team. We would ask that you prayerfully consider how you might partner with us. Please respond by email to Thank you so much for your love and support. For a taste of what the Marriage Course looks like you can visit

With every blessing, Rev Derek and Cathy Rust

Please stay in touch – my new email: