Running a race with purpose.

Dear Friends, 

Over the course of the summer I have loved watching the World Track and Field Championships, this year held at the home of Nike in Eugene, Oregon. 

Back in the day I was a track and field coach, managing the London schools team. I even nearly ended up in the Oscar winning film ‘Chariots of Fire’, as an enthusiastic extra!

I have always loved the way Paul the apostle talked about running as a way of looking at the Christian life. 

When Paul wrote to Timothy he asked him to pass on what he had learned to some reliable people.
(2 Timothy 2:1-2.)

To make his point, Paul used three pictures of dependability: a good soldier, a victorious athlete, and a hard-working farmer. In the case of the athlete, he wrote, “…Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules…” (2 Timothy 2:5)

To abide by the rules seems a strange quality to mention. I think I would have illustrated reliability by highlighting an athlete’s discipline, strength, or aerobic fitness. However, Paul chose an athlete who knew the expectations, who followed the rules, who didn’t take shortcuts in a race, and who refused to cross the set boundaries. 

Can I encourage you today, no matter what decision you are facing let's receive our victor's crown by making our relationship to God a priority in our lives. When we do that we become faith-filled and faithful to those around us. When God is our focus, the overflow is running a race with purpose and peace.

Ministry Highlights and Prayer Requests: 

I had a very exciting Marriage Course Champions and Coaches call in July. During the call Nicky and Sila, shared how they had recently stepped down from their leadership role at HTB in London, to go full time with Alpha International to focus fully on the global growth of The Marriage Course. 

Here is the live stream from Sunday, July 10 to hear Nicky Lee give his last talk as a vicar at HTB Brompton Road. It is a prophetic word for the church today.

Please send me any prayer requests you may have. 
I would greatly value your prayers on August 19 - I have an appointment to discuss a neurostimulator trial to help with the nerve pain. Thank you! 

Blessings around the compass and around the clock.  



The passing of Her Majesty the Queen


Beyond The Blue June Newsletter 2022